13 days…

Can you believe it – only 13 days for you Christmas folks. Most people celebrating Hanukah hit their deadline last week. Not that anyone doesn’t appreciate a gift no matter when it arrives….

Today lets talk about the stuff made from cloth.

Mom has her Etsy shop up finally and she has a few sheepy things in there – A Pillow and a Quilt among other things.

There is a Secret Keeper in sheep that is quite cute

Of course there are stuffed Lambs, and Lamb blankets and other just adorable Lamb Lovies

And of course there are the ever popular… Bags. Much of what I found was on Etsy because I was looking for something unique but there are a few that are pretty darn cool that were main stream finds.

Sail Bags Made from Sails, you know, from ships.
Robot Pouch – He’s just cute.
The Purl Pod
Petal Scrunchie Bag
Fitter Knitter Bags
Beautiful Bags
Unique Satchel
And there’s The Baggler to carry it all. Miss Sheepish Annie herself recommends these and they’re made here in Maine. Think of how many bags you can carry at the next sheep and wool festival.

But wait! There are a few more finds.
Holders and Bags at Lauging Hens.
Needle Holders

If you want to make your own cutie stuff with cloth or you know someone you can wrap up cloth and call it a gift (raises hand)…
Cutie pie sheep, Some realistic Sheep and some with their Sheep dogs. If you want to get away from sheep, there are Knitting words. And then there is this stuff HERE I might have a couple yards of it in each color.

And so it’s not all just about gifts – I have finished some spinning.
Glaciers wool blend that I got from Amy at Electric Sheep. I spun it as a thick and thin that came out about 300 yards for 8 ounces. The bummer though is that I spun it on the Schacht Matchless and it’s in 4 hanks. If I had chosen to spin on the Louet, it would have been in 2 hanks. I really was disappointed to find the Matchless didn’t hold more yarn.

I finished the spinning for my shawl too:
The multi colored stuff is from Hello Yarn’s Fiber club – it’s 4 ounces of Baked Alaska in Romney. The other stuff is 10 ounces that I dyed to match. All together I have almost 2000 yards. I’m shooting for a giant shawl with this one. Adrian had dyed more so I have another 8 ounces of Baked Alaska coming. I don’t think I’ll need it all for this project but I like this colorway so I’ll surely find a good use for it. Maybe I’ll make matching hats and mittens then I could be all matchy.

Yesterday Margene blogged about her winter outfit. I often dress in a similar fashion. At night I don the big pea coat but days I often wear more comfy outfits so I can shovel or hustle kids along. Except I don’t think I pull it off as well as Margene. I have not got a spot of wintery clothing that matches. I think after my holiday knitting is done, I’ll be making a more matchy set of hat and mittens at least.

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13 Responses to 13 days…

  1. Monika says:

    Amy, I love you links. Too bad there are a few bad ones (error). Your shawl yarn is to die for!!!

  2. Arleta says:

    Gorgeous spinning!

  3. Amy says:

    The spinning is great! Which pattern are you going to use for your shawl? Those colors are so yummy :D

  4. margene says:

    Oh matching isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Looking like a knitter is key…not a fashionista;-)

  5. Gina House says:

    Oh, I’m in LOVE with all of your gorgeous handspun! It’s been at least a week since I’ve spun anything. I can’t wait until the Christmas rush is over so I can enjoy some stillness and spinning time again. Great pictures!

  6. Tenli says:

    Holy smokes! The purl pod is cool but it costs $250!!!

  7. Tonia says:

    Great links thanks!

    The spinning is so pretty.

  8. Lori says:

    The shawl will be really great in those yarns!

  9. Jennifer says:

    I’ve got one of those cubes and love them!

    I wear a lot of handknits too, but they don’t match as well as Margene’s either. I just go with it though. :-)

  10. Sara says:

    I don’t think I have ever matched… I must look pretty scary sometimes!!

  11. Bridget says:

    Hmmm. I have the sheep fabric in the cube bag. But you made me buy pirates (it will match my imaginary tattoo). But did you see the stuff that goes with the pirates? http://equilter.com/cgi-bin/webc.cgi/st_search.html (or if it doesn’t work, do a search on “knitmare” – too funny.

  12. Joni says:

    I often have good intentions toward matching accessory projects, but the truth is…well, it has something to do with a short attention span. ;) I just try to go neutral when it comes to commercially produced clothing and whatnot, and hope for the best. Also just not caring helps. And pirate boots, they make everything look cool.

  13. I can’t even face the Christmas countdown at this point. I thought I was doing well…then I decided I’d knit a couple of things for people. Timing is, in fact, everything. Who knew?

    And I really, really do love The Baggler! I carry two of them everywhere. You never know when the urge to shop will hit!

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