Herbal Asthma Tea

And I’m not talking about the herbal tea you generally find from Celestial Seasoning. I’m talking healing herbs. There were many comments and a few emails about my herbal asthma tea. I’m always hesitant to give out too much info here. To those that aren’t familiar with herbal therapies or don’t have a Naturopath, a little herbal info can be worse than no info. So what I’m saying is that if you are one of those and even if you are familiar – please don’t stop your meds and check to see if the herbs are a dangerous combination with the meds you take. Herbals are medicinal and can make other meds ineffective or dangerous. Just know what you put into your body. ok?

With all that, I’m going to give you a few recipes. If you are new I suggest you check out your local health food store. There are many medicinal teas out there that are just as good as stocking up on a bunch of herbs to make your own. That is if you’re new at this and don’t really want to play with herbs. I’ve only taken the respiratory ones when I’ve been out of herbs and waiting for a new order to come in. Yogi Tea makes “Breathe Easy” and Traditional Medicinals makes “Respiratory Health”. Both taste a bit better than the tea that I make and work just as well.

Asthma Tea
1 part of each in dried herb form – Chamomile flowers, Passionflower, and Echinacea Root
1/2 part each in dried herb form – Licorice root, Elecampane root, and lemon verbena leaves

If the herb is too big I crush it up a bit. I mix it all up in a jar and I make it fresh by the cup. Steep 1 large teaspoon of the mix in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes.

Sometimes making a tea from one ingredient is helpful as well. Lemon Verbena is known for stopping wheezing. Making an infusion of equal parts of nettle and thyme work for some. Skull cap is another one that is good for respiratory health. And then some people find that just chamomile is enough to help.

Chamomile really is a wonderful herb. It’s a relaxant, anti-allergenic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Many people find that their asthma is triggered by stress as well as the usual triggers. As in, if you are stressed then your asthma will be worse than it normally is.

When I started down the path of treating my own asthma (I still have my rescue inhaler, I would be stupid to give that up) I started to read lots and lots. I wasn’t online then but I read all the articles I could find in magazines and in books. It’s the reason I first became a vegetarian. I was a strict ovo-vegetarian 12 years ago and it helped. It helped immensely. It really was the first step to becoming healthier. Since that time I’ve had times of eating meat and then back to being vegetarian. If I had to describe my diet these days I’d say it was Macrobiotic. No sugar, No dairy or eggs. The only meat I occasionally eat is fish.

I had sugar over the holidays. On slip and then one more and another….. Until I made myself sick. My digestive system is still feeling it. My poor stomach hates me these days but I’m treating it right. I suppose we need those times of eating bad to remind ourselves of why we eat the way we do. I’ll talk about other ailments and other reasons for dietary changes in another post. Really this could get very long but there has been interest in knowing about non western meds so I’m happy to share.

If you are really interested in learning more then I suggest you go out and get a GOOD book on herbs and healing. There are many good ones out there. I suggest you start with an encyclopedia – like “Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine” by Andrew Chevalier.

Edit: I forgot to also add that Caffeine has an effect on asthma. In this case it’s a good effect. Though you have to take into consideration the rest of your body. If the rest of you is effected negatively by caffeine it’s probably not a good idea to start to ingest it for it’s effect on the asthma.  I also want to add thta eating Gralic is a good thing.  You might already like it, if  not you can take garlic tablets.  Garlic helps reduce chest infections but it’s also good for colds, flu, ear infections and reducing mucus. So eat more garlic.  I know I didn’t put everything down. Asthma really is a personal illness. What triggers my attacks may not trigger yours.  Once you really know what your triggers are, you can work towards lessening the effects or removign the triggers.


I spent half the weekend daydreaming about new designs. Which isn’t all bad. I wrote out the skeleton design for 3 shawls and a vest. I need to make my way to the shop to card the fiber for one of the shawls. It’s the one I want to do the most even though I have the yarn on the wheel for one already. Since all of this is at the shop, I really have nothing to show you.

I did do one sock and am workign down the heel of the other. I can’t show you those either because they’re for a game that’s being put on by The Knitting Experience. I’m not playing the game so I volunteered to test out a pattern. If any of you that are playing the game are reading this, it’s a good one. I can see this is going to be a good game. I can’t wait to sit back and watch it happen.

And so I’m going to leave this post without photos. I hate to do that. No photos is always so boring. I promise to have some good spin ones next post.

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9 Responses to Herbal Asthma Tea

  1. Loopykd says:

    When Bella was diagnosed with Asthma, I read as much as I could about it as well. Her trigger is viral so we have been in good good shape lately but I know what you mean about too much information can be harmful to some people.

  2. Amy says:

    wouldn’t you know that one of my triggers is chamomile. Ask me how I know. I love garlic and can’t get enough caffeine :D

  3. nana nancy says:

    Is it snowing We have not had a good picture of the back fields this year

  4. Josiane says:

    Thanks, Amy, for sharing a bit about these things. I don’t have asthma, but I do have to deal with other stuff and, like you, I see my dietary choices as an important part of how I deal with it. I’ve got more research to do for myself, but reading about your experience is really interesting to me.

  5. Chris says:

    Lots of good advice in this post, especially the cautions! The book you suggested sounds pretty good. I don’t have asthma but a few family members do. I once in desperation treated my son’s with a cup of hot tea. He’d had sudden onset away from home but close to the husband’s office. We’d forgotten his inhaler and the husband was panicking so I made the husband go make some tea just to keep him away from the kid so the kid wouldn’t do his own panicking while I looked for the closest emergency facility. I was as surprised as anyone that the tea (basic lipton, I think) worked but it did. So I had my sister research it for me and she said the caffeine helped, but mostly it was the tannins. BTW, during the years I could get the kid to see the chiropractor regularly, he had no trouble with asthma. Now that he’s stopped going to the chiropractor, he’s starting to have symptoms again.

  6. Ben says:

    Turning the Tide on Asthma

    Did you know that there is a new cleaning machine that could eventually replace the Vacuum Cleaner?

    It is thought by many that the cyclone cleaner is the end of the line in the development of cleaners but this is not so.
    Air Recycling Technology has been developed and it should eventually replace the vacuum cleaner.
    Please let me explain.
    First let us look at what is wrong with all Vacuum cleaners; 1/ they have to blow out the contaminated exhaust air back into the room and 2/ they waste 75% of the power they use.

    No matter how good the filters or dust separation is the disturbance from the blast of exhaust air will still blow dust and allergens from furniture and curtains etc. This air disturbance causes allergens to become suspended in the air where they will aggravate respiratory problems.

    A new Air Recycling Technology removes the need to blow any air back into the room. Instead it returns the air back into the system via the cleaning head were it combines with the rotary motion of the brush-beater bar, and replaces the air being drawn through the carpet creating a very strong air stream.

    This not only removes the unwanted blast of exhaust air but also forces the dust back through the carpet and into the dust intake reducing the amount of power required to drive the motor.

    2/ This means that an air recycling cleaner using only 300-watt hour will do the same amount of work as a 1,400 watt vacuum cleaner.

    To prove that this is not just an idle claim I have printed below some information taken from the tests commissioned by the DTI.
    The Market Transformation Program UK has estimated that vacuum cleaners in the UK are currently consuming an estimated 2 Terawatts of electricity each year.

    A series of tests commissioned by DEFRA and the DTI on behalf of the Market Transformation Program were made at the Intertek ETL SEMCO Research & Testing Centre.

    In these tests a 300-Watt air recycling cleaner outperformed a 1,400 watt Hoover U3470 a saving of in excess of 75%.
    That would mean that if all the cleaners in the UK were phased over to air recycling cleaners (this would probably take less than ten years) there would be a saving of over 1.5 Terawatts of electricity per year.
    To put this into perspective this is the yearly output of over 600 wind generators, half of the wind farms in the UK.

    There are other advantages with the air recycling cleaner as the machine is quieter and also safe to be used by Asthmatics because there is no Blast of exhaust air to disturb the allergens lying in the furniture and due to the smaller motor required it is quieter and lighter in weight with no smell making it more pleasant to use.

    40 volunteers including asthmatics have also tested prototypes, they all wrote that it was better than the cleaner they normally use (one of them a £500 plus Miele owned by an Asthma sufferer)

    Filters are not the solution as is shown by the insert below.

    “ A team from the North West Lung Center in Manchester, UK, demonstrated in a recent study that vacuuming with HEPA sweepers actually increase an individual’s exposure to particles such as cat allergens.”
    Part of an article taken from the Internet.

    The rest of this article and a video clip can be seen on a web sit at —-



  7. I found this website to be incredibly helpful!

    I learned some new methods for treating my Asthma.

    Thanks again! :)

  8. michael says:

    yo man i got some serious astma sitch its way rough its most difficult to sleep i just drank a shit load of beer and a cup of tea which was several different kinds of anti oxidents! i can take decent deep breaths now iam going to slam another cup then hit the sack ill let you know how it goes thanks!

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